The French Society for the Study of Medieval England AMAES


The French Society for the Study of of Medieval England was founded in 1969 by Marguerite-Marie Dubois and Jean Robert Simon, both professors at Sorbonne University.
AMAES brings together researchers and teachers, mainly based in France, who are interested in medieval England from a variety of angles: historical, literary, linguistic, etc.

Since its foundation in 1969, AMAES has been affiliated to SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur), whose members include a large number of specialists of English Studies in France and abroad. AMAES is listed in the SAES directory as one of the specialist societies for English Studies in France.

AMAES is also involved in a number of partnerships with other European scholarly societies dedicated to the Middle Ages.

A general assembly is held once a year during SAES's "Autumn Days" ("Journées d'automne").

Our publications

AMAES publishes a journal, EMA (Etudes Médiévales Anglaises), which appears twice a year, in summer and winter. All the journal's archives are freely accessible on Persée.

We also publish monographs and collective works. All paid-up members of the AMAES receive the BAM as well as the current year's volume each time there is one.

ema études médiévales anglaises couverture
ema études médiévales anglaises couverture
EMA études médiévales anglaises hommage à gloria cigman
EMA études médiévales anglaises hommage à gloria cigman
amaes logo cheval cavalier
amaes logo cheval cavalier